Thursday, August 12, 2010

Now its me and the rain!

Rain has always been my love. It plays some charm on me. I feel the same beats of raindrops on my heart when it rains. Sometimes its Raga Desh, sometimes its Miyan Mallhar or Madhmad sarang. Last two days consecutively I had been drenching in the rain alone. Last time it was an experience with friends. But this time its just me. Loneliness was felt but that reminded me of reality. At the end of everything I have to be alone, I have to face realities alone. Face the hardships of life, that too alone. First day I was on cycle and the drenching was unintentional at the very beginning. But as the rain came with bigger drops I kept my cycle in the hostel and came out for a walk. There I noticed the difference. Rain washed away my kajal, bindi but gave me back my lost memories. The roads, the trees were all the same but I was not the same anymore. I felt the vibes of the pinnacle of change in me. I remembered a moment when I was not alone.

The second day was a different one. I set out from the library towards hostel but when I was on my way it started raining cats and dogs. This day's experience was totally embedded with natural beauties. Firstly I saw a couple of a peacock and a peahen. They were the epitome of gracefulness. Generally I watch peacocks from a distance because due to my tendency to jump makes them fly away. :D So this time I was cautious to let them enjoy their quality time. The peacock had a long tail and the rainsoaked feathers brightly shone. The peahen had no such outward beauty but it was charming. They looked complete when they were together. Next I felt the smell of soaked ground. It may seem to weird for anyone but I really don't know what addiction it gives me. Alongwith it I observed water dripping from rainwashed leaves. It felt like heaven. That hour is also worth remembering for me as I've never been so long with myself. Most of the time either I'm with friends or alone but busy in studies which gives no scope for thinking all these. May be it may seem crap to you all but to me it meant a lot.. Signing off for now, will be back with more of BHU!

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